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Service description

Institutes and facilities of the university can book virtual machines at the ZIM. Working with virtual machines is almost the same as when the computer is in front of you. However, you do not need to use your own hardware. Virtual machines run in a secure infrastructure and are available at different locations, even from home. They are extremely economical because they only consume power when programmes are actually active.

This offer is only valid for institutes and facilities, not for students or employees.

The installation of a virtual server in the ZIM must be applied for. Before filling out the following forms, please contact the administrative office.

There is one application form for members of ZIM, ZUV and ULB and one for members of other HHU facilities and institutes.

Please send the completed and signed application form by e-mail to the address on the right.

The following information is required:

  • Name and email of the person responsible
  • Name of the administrator
  • Specification of the subnet into which the planned VM is to be "mounted
  • Brief description of the intended use
  • Specification of the required operating system
  • Configuration requests, if different from the standard configuration
    • of 2 CPU/4GB RAM/50 GB disk
  • Indication of whether it is a productive or a test system

No additional fees are charged to users for the service.

  • A virtual machine contains two CPUs with 4 GB RAM and 50 GB hard disk space as basic equipment.
  • The setup of all common operating systems except MAC OS is possible (Apple's licensing policy allows the installation of MacOS only on own hardware).
  • Virtual machines with Windows operating systems can be pre-installed by ZIM, other operating systems must be set up by the user.
  • This basic equipment can be extended according to the needs and importance of the project and the hardware resources available to ZIM.
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