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Institutes and institutions can obtain hard disk storage from the ZIM in the form of secured (virtual) file servers, which can be used via the computer network like a local hard disk or like directly connected storage raid systems. This storage provided by the ZIM is attached to the institute's own subnet and can be used from there. If required, snapshots and backups and other additional services are available or can be set up. User administration takes place via the central unique identifier and the AD infrastructure.

The service is available to all HHU institutes and facilities for official purposes.

  • Central storage for server systems in the machine room of the ZIM can be requested and expanded
  • File server areas (network drives incl. backup) for HHU institutions.

If you are interested, please write an e-mail to the contact person mentioned above, stating your name, your institution and the size of the hard disk storage you require.

There are no costs for campus customers up to a capacity of 5TB.

Beyond that, the institutes / working groups must participate in an expansion of the infrastructure. In the past, the costs for this
300/TB (one-off) in the past.

For customers from the university hospital, the free limit is 3TB.

Responsible for the content: ZIM : Contact by e-mail