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Training rooms in the ZIM

Service description

There are numerous workstations at the ZIM that can be used by students as well as members of all faculties and institutions at HHU. A distinction is made between workstations and training rooms.

The following tables provide information on the current equipment of the various PC pools, both the available software and the installed operating systems.

The service is available to all members of HHU for official purposes.

The ZIM has 9 training rooms with thin clients (U1.22, 00.26, 00.41, 00.43, 00.45, 00.61, 00.63, 00.65, 00.67, soon also in U1.21) that can be used exclusively for courses and training. Room reservations are made via HIS-LSF.

The keys for the training rooms can be collected from the Helpdesk from 8 am. For recurring events, a key can also be borrowed for the lecture period.

Office hours of the Helpdesk in the ZIM: Mon - Fri 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Pool equipment

Several desktops can be selected via the ThinClients. Windows 10, Windows 10 for e-exams and Ubuntu 18 LTS are offered as standard. A guest ID is available in all rooms.

Operating system Installed software
Windows 10Microsoft Office 2016, SPSS 26, Amos 26, R, R-Studio, Multitree, WinGHCi, Netlogo,TmoleX, jmol, dosbox, putty, gnuplot, Endnote, Citavi, Python, Eclipse, ChemDraw, Octave, Matlab 2017b
Ubuntu 18 LTSgromacs, dssp, autodock, pymol, gnuplot, python-gnuplot, ruby-gnuplot, libreoffice, kate, okular, gwenview, grace, inkscape, gimp, firefox, chromium-browser, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra, ruby, vim, default-jre, default-jre-headless, default-jdk, default-jdk-headless, default-jdk-doc, python-pip, python-numpy, python-scipy, imagemagick, imagemagick-doc, mc, gedit, mgltools-mglutil, mgltools-pmv, librdkit-dev,  librdkit1, rdkit-data, rdkit-doc, python-rdkit, openbabel, python-openbabel, avogadro, python-avogadro, r-base, r-recommended, audacity, vlc

Please enquire about other software in good time.


No additional fees are charged to users for the service.

How can I book a training room?

The training rooms of the ZIM can only be booked via LSF. Each institute at HHU has a representative who is authorised to make bookings in LSF. Please contact this person if you want to book a training room.

As a course instructor, I need special software in the training rooms. Who can help me?

Contact the ZIM Helpdesk in good time, preferably before booking the room. Your request will be received and forwarded there.

Responsible for the content: ZIM : Contact by e-mail