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Latest security advice: Phishing e-mail with alleged salary slip

We have received information about a phishing mail that is currently being sent to members of the HHU. The mail has the subject "The University of Düsseldorf has sent you an additional salary slip for the year 2023", and the sender is generally named as the "University of Düsseldorf". However, a closer look reveals that the email address is external to HHU.

This is a fraudulent attempt to obtain your access data ("phishing")! Please do not click on the link contained in the mail and delete the message!

Please also note our security advice on recognising phishing emails in the HHU Wiki: https://wiki.hhu.de/x/4IhYB

We would also like to refer you once again to the ILIAS online course on IT security for HHU employees: https://www.zim.hhu.de/servicekatalog/it-sicherheit/it-sicherheitsschulung

Kategorie/n: ZIM-Meldung
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